Origin Insights

Women in Finance: Insights from Industry Veterans

By Charlie Osler

February 8, 2022

Financial institutions continue to make bold statements about the importance of gender diversity to their organizations, but the industry continues to fall short. Investment banking websites’ team pages paint a clear picture. At Origin Merchant Partners, we face a similar challenge to our IB peers. We want to attract strong female candidates to our team and promote the development of women in finance. But like many of our IB peers, we’re struggling to figure out how to do that effectively.

As a first step, in order to form a deeper understanding of recruiting trends, gender diversity, and advice for women interested in pursuing a career in the industry, OMP interviewed Lara Zink, CEO of Women in Capital Markets, Cathy Steiner, Principal, Origin Merchant Partners, and Bill Vlaad, Managing Partner, Vlaad and Company, a leading financial services recruitment firm. Read our full article here.

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